The facility is really warm and inviting and I was given gracious assistance from Clubhouse staff Kirsten and Mike.
During this rejuvenating evening, I shared the story of The Bonny Method of Guided Imagery and Music (GIM). I told stories and answered questions about GIM and the ways that I have practiced GIM to help people with chronic illness, mood problems, relationship problems, and spiritual development. We shared a wonderful meal and then several opportunities for deep music listening as a group.
Each participant listened to the music after a brief guided relaxation process. After each listening experience we shared some wonderful stories as people spoke of the imagery stories that had arrived during the music listening. The people gathered shared the music process with interest and ease throughout the evening.
It is now several days later, and I come away from that evening with a sense of honor, lightness, and memories. Specifically, I felt it a great opportunity to share ideas from GIM with such beautiful people, I enjoyed the heartfelt laughter, and I now have some warm memories of those moments in a musicing community.
I do encourage anyone who has been touched by the challenges of Cancer(s), to make a visit to Our Club House. You too, will likely find the beautiful and kind people gathered there can provide a bit of needed support for you.