Frequently Asked Questions
1. What is music therapy?
2. Are music therapists credentialed? If so, what is their professional credential?
3. What is The Bonny Method of Guided Imagery & Music (GIM)?
4. Are GIM practitioners credentialed? If so, what is their professional credential?
5. What is the difference between The Bonny Method of GIM and other forms of guided imagery?
6. Who can benefit from music therapy? Is there evidence-based research to support the use of music therapy with different populations?
2. Are music therapists credentialed? If so, what is their professional credential?
3. What is The Bonny Method of Guided Imagery & Music (GIM)?
4. Are GIM practitioners credentialed? If so, what is their professional credential?
5. What is the difference between The Bonny Method of GIM and other forms of guided imagery?
6. Who can benefit from music therapy? Is there evidence-based research to support the use of music therapy with different populations?
1. What is music therapy? According to the American Music Therapy Association (AMTA), music therapy is "the clinical and evidence-based use of music interventions to accomplish individualized goals within a therapeutic relationship by a credentialed professional who has completed an approved music therapy program."
2. Are music therapists credentialed? If so, what is their professional credential? The Certification Board for Music Therapists (CBMT) credentials music therapists in the United States through a national board certification exam. The credential "Music Therapist Board Certified" (MT-BC) is given to music therapists that successfully demonstrate the knowledge, skills, and competence to practice in the field.
3. What is The Bonny Method of Guided Imagery & Music (GIM)? The Association for Music & Imagery (AMI) defines GIM as "a music-oriented exploration of consciousness. It offers persons the opportunity to integrate mental, emotional, physical, and spiritual aspects of well-being as well as awaken to greater transcendent identification."
4. Are GIM practitioners credentialed? If so, what is their professional credential? Successful graduates of AMI-approved training programs can apply to become a Fellow of the Association for Music & Imagery (FAMI).
5. What is the difference between The Bonny Method of GIM and other forms of guided imagery? The Bonny Method of Guided Imagery & Music (GIM) is a music-centered approach to healing and self-growth that uses specifically sequenced music in altered states of consciousness. While listening to the music, the client spontaneously reports their imagery to the therapist. The focus of GIM is to support a client's therapeutic and/or spiritual process. In other forms of guided imagery, the therapist may tell the client what to imagine or visualize and often the focus of the imagery is for relaxation.
6. Who can benefit from music therapy? Is there evidence-based research to support the use of music therapy with different populations? Music therapy research has demonstrated the efficacy of music therapy with several clinical populations, including some Cochrane Reviews. For additional information on research on music therapy with specific conditions or issues, please go the the following link: Additionally, the music therapists at Music Journey have published research articles in several music therapy journals including The Arts in Psychotherapy, The Journal of the Association for Music & Imagery, The Journal of Music Therapy, and Music Therapy Perspectives.

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